Database Penetration Testing

Database Penetration Testing

The database security assessment is indispensable if you rely on the security of the data kept within your databases. Else you have concerns relating to security compliance. Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of reported cases of data repositories being targeted or compromised. Plus, the reputational damage can have a more significant impact, and be more challenging to re-establish, than business loss.
Our database security evaluation presents a documented, in-depth review of the current security stance. Our actionable report comprises security recommendations to be prioritised by database administrators, and accommodate for Security Managers, Auditors, Compliance Managers and Senior Leadership team to make knowledgeable decisions to maximise security spend.

We recommend performing Database Penetration Testing frequently. However, most organisations request DB Pen Test just at the point of going live with a new database. Our pen test team and qualified security practitioners will simulate an attack, in the same way, an adversary. We attempt to gain access into your database in a contained environment without disrupting the business continuity. We utilise industry best practice methodologies and our additional tactics, classifying access points and giving guidance on how to secure database in the result of an initial cyber attack.

Pen Testing Database is mission-critical to any organisations of any size. SQL Injection (SQLi) is prevalent more than decades. Database is the sweet target for all cyber adversaries.

Our Strategy for DB Pen Test
DB Security Analysis
Privilege Escalation
Privilege misuse
Unapproved privilege elevation
Platform vulnerabilities
SQL Injection
Database Audit
Database protocol vulnerabilities
Ineffective Authentication
Disclosure of backup data
Connection Status and Port Monitoring
Finding Tampering
Database Parameters