Reverse Engineering

What is Reverse Engineering?

Reverse engineering is getting apart an object to comprehend how it operates to duplicate or intensify the purpose.

The practice, grasped from more traditional industries, is now often used on computer hardware and software. 

 Software reverse engineering comprises reversing a program’s computer code (the string of 0s and 1s that communicates to the logic processor) back into the source code that it was programmed in, using program language statements.
Software reverse engineering reclaims the source code of a lost program.

Reverse Engineering Goals:

  • Cope with Complexity.
  • Retrieve lost information.
  • Distinguish side effects.
  • Integrate higher abstraction.
  • Expedite Reuse.
Software reverse engineering reclaims the source code of a lost program.
Years of Experience

Software Reverse Engineering

To study how the program performs specific actions. To improve the execution of a program, to debug. To recognise malicious content in a program such as a trojan or malware or to reconcile a computer program formulated for use with one microprocessor for use with a different one. Reverse engineering to copy or replicate applications may constitute copyright infringement. In some incidents, the licensed use of software especially obstructs reverse engineering.

Someone performing reverse engineering on software may use several tools to disassemble a program. One of the apps is a hexadecimal dumper, that prints or displays the binary numbers of a program in hexadecimal format. (It is easier to grasp than a binary form). By comprehending the bit patterns that describe the processor instructions as well as the instruction lengths, the reverse engineer classifies precise parts of a program to discern the operation.

Hardware reverse engineering

The disassembler translates the binary code and then presents all executable instruction in text form. A disassembler cannot differentiate between an executable instruction and the data used by the program. Hence debugger becomes essential. The debugger enables the disassembler to circumvent disassembling the data portions of a program. These apps might be practised by a cracker to modify code and attain entrance to a computer system or cause other impairment.

Hardware reverse engineering entails exercising a device exclusively to discern its working. For instance, if a processor manufacturer desires to grasp the operation of the competitor’s processor, they can disassemble it, and then make a processor similar to it. However, this process is illegal in many countries. In general, hardware reverse engineering challenges a great deal of expertise and is considerably pricey.

The significance of Reverse Engineering

Proactively Reverse Engineering in order to reconstruct the software algorithm can further protect against the app theft. 


Another type of reverse engineering involves producing 3-D images of manufactured parts when a blueprint is not available to remanufacture the part. The coordinate measuring machine (CMM) measures the region or part of the app to perform reverse engineering. As it is estimated, a 3-D wireframe image will be created and displayed on a monitor. After the measuring is complete, the wireframe image will give the exact measurements. Any element can be reverse engineered using specific methods.

Reverse engineering
Collecting Information
All the essential data about the app such as (i.e., source code, design drafts, so on and so forth.)
Examining the information
The information collected is studied to get accustomed to the system.
Extracting the structure
The identification of program structure in the form of structure chart whither? Does any node match some routine?
Recording the functionality
The processing specifications of each module of the composition, recording charts utilising structured languages like decision diagram and decision tables.
Recording data flow
The data flow diagrams show the flow of data amidst the processes.
Recording control flow
Recording the high-level control flow of the app.
Review extracted design
Design document retrieved is examined numerous times to ensure coherence and exactitude. It renders that the model depicts the program.
Produce documentation
Finally, in this step, the complete tech-documentation, comprising SRS, design document, history, overview, so on and so forth are listed for later usage.

Why is Reverse Engineering Necessary?

With reverse engineering, you can accomplish the following goals:

  • Discover vulnerabilities in the program’s source code.
  • Explore for sensitive data hardcoded in the programming language
  • Malware Analysis
  • Analysing the complexity of reconstructing core software algorithm that can further protect against theft.